Monday, January 25, 2010

I'm addicted to this game

Dwarf Fortress is a lot of things. First and foremost, it's an amazingly fun sandbox game. The premise of this incredibly complex game is actually fairly simple: set out with a band of Dwarves and construct a massive fortress. From there your dwarves will dig, fight, and drink their way to success, followed by their eventual destruction and failure.

There really isn't a win condition, per se. Just a lot of ways to lose. And losing is quite entertaining. So far I've managed to flood my fortress with water, flood my fortress with lava, kill half my population via Carp attacks, and starve to death.

This blog will chronicle the epics of a fortress. I tend to take liberties with the game code, and I will mod it in the interest of causing all sorts of hilarious shenanigans and spicing things up as the fortress progresses. I plan to shift writing styles, whether it's an in-character view from interesting dwarves, or as some omnipotent narrator. It will be a grand experiment! With screenshots and probably lots of Dwarf Death.


  1. Death by Carp? How nasty can they be?

  2. Without going into too much detail, carp are sort of a stat anomaly... their size and the fact they have a "bite" type attack makes them a menace. They jump out of the water and drag your dwarfs back in with them, ostensibly killing them gruesomely if the dwarf doesn't drown first. And, if a dwarf goes to pick up something the now-dead dwarf head and dropped in the middle of the attack... well, that dwarf falls victim as well... It forms a death by carp chain.
